No casting process is perfect. “First-come-first-served” privileges those with time and/or a fast internet connection, and luck is an imperfect way of selecting players. However curated casting sometimes leads to accusations of gatekeeping and favouritism.
Here is our proposed approach for Gothic:
We will ask you a question about your reasons for playing the larp and what you hope to experience during the larp when you sign up. We will also ask you to prioritise the available roles, and for the names of people you do, and do not wish to play with. We will ask you about your comfort levels and preferred playstyle intensity. We will consider your answers to these questions as the basis for our casting. We will also take into account players who have signed up in groups. The experience of players, preferred playstyles etc. We will look at names at this stage and take steps to ensure that you are not cast to play with folks you don’t want to play with, or with those whose playstyle or wishes are in marked contrast to your own.